Jlius 19-n nhny lengyel rajong tallkozott a Tokio Hotel egyik producervel, Peter Hoffman-nal a banda rgi stdijnl - Hoffman elmondta nekik, hogy az j album mr elkszlt, de mg nem dntttk el, mikor jelenik meg. Egyelre arrl sincs informci, mikor indulnak turnzni.
Itt lthattok nhny fott a tallkozrl s a stdi belsejrl: [kpek]
On 19th July some Polish fans met Peter Hoffman, one of the producers of the Tokio Hotel, at the old studio of the band - Hoffman told them that the new album has already been finished, but it is unknown yet when it will be released. There is no information about the new tour either.
You can see some photos of the meeting and the inside of the studio: [photos]