Spotify Sounddrop | Album Listening & Online Chat

Photos: Tokio Hotel arriving / leaving the Spotify Chat [10]

New information from the boys during the chat:
- Favourite songs of the album: We Found Us (Bill), Girl Got A Gun (Tom), Love Who Loves You Back (Georg), Feel It All (Gustav)
- Great Day was one of the last songs written for the album
- The boys wanted to go to Italy, but the record company cancelled the trip.
- In November maybe they will visit Latin America.
- They are planning the tour, with Latin American concerts as well, and there will be VIP packages at the shows
- Gustav has a dog
- Georg is vegetarian just like the twins
- The boys designed the whole merch personally.
- Tom loves the video for GGAG.
- Bill: We just don't want to translate anymore. But if I write a song in German, it will stay German!
- The most difficult song was Covered in Gold - for Tom, writing this song was special.
j informcik a srcoktl a chat alatt:
- Kedvenc dalok az albumrl: We Found Us (Bill), Girl Got A Gun (Tom), Love Who Loves You Back (Georg), Feel It All (Gustav)
- Great Day - ez volt az egyik utols dal, amit az albumra rtak
- Olaszorszgba is el akartak menni, de a lemezcg trlte az utat.
- Novemberben lehet, hogy elmennek Latin-Amerikba.
- Mr tervezik a turnt, latin-amerikai koncertekkel, s lesznek VIP csomagok is
- Gustavnak van egy kutyja
- Georg is vegetrinus, ahogyan az ikrek is
- A srcok szemlyesen terveztk a hivatalos TH cuccokat.
- Tom szereti a GGAG videjt.
- Bill: Tbb mr nem akarunk fordtani. De ha rok nmetl egy dalt, akkor az nmet nyelv marad!
- A legnehezebb dal a Covered in Gold volt - Tom szmra klnleges volt a megrsa.