Circus Halligalli - Part Two
Video and the English transcription of the interview: Circus Halligalli - Part Two
(Explanation: they’re playing a game with German “swear words”. Someone’s saying a (invented) swear word and the next one has to say a new word that starts with the last letter of the previous word.)
Klaas: I’ll start with a little test round now, and simply say “jerk”. (“Trottel”)
Gustav: Lolly. (“Lutscher”)
Klaas: Very good. So I see you understood the game (…)
- break -
Klaas: And here we go.
Bill: Donkey fucker. (“Eselficker”)
Klaas: Yep, that’s a veritable swear word. – uhm, uhm, roulade ass! (“Rouladenarsch”)
Gustav: …. *says nothing*
Klaas: Aaaah, Gustav.. but that was an “h”. I’m sorry, I think you have to get up and stand behind the chair now.
Gustav: I would have almost said “Hublot-wearer” now. (“Hublot-Trger”)
Klaas: “Hublot-wearer”, oooh, that would have been false.
Joko: Oooh, that statement would have reached us.
Georg: Uhm, “Randfichten-Fan”. (“Randfichten” is a band who makes traditional german folk music)
Klaas: Uhm, “Neomagazin”-host. (“Neomagazin-Moderator”)
Tom: I always get the “r”, that can’t be true! I already had anus (“Rosette”)… Ass crack fucker! (“Ritzenficker”)
Georg: Uuuhm, “bully”. (“Rpel”)
Klaas: Oh. Oh, such a subtle mister.
Joko: Leek. (“Lauch”)
Bill: Uuuhm, “sky-blue-lover”! (“Himmelblau-Liebhaber”) – [it's wrong]
Joko: *laughs* Awww.
Bill: What? Why?!
Klaas: We asked 100 people, that’s not an insult. … Okay, what was it now?
Tom: An “H”.
Klaas: An “H”. You “Hmpfling”.
Joko: Cucumber fucker. (“Gurkenficker”)
Tom: …always “fucker”.
Joko: Can we add “fucker” to every word?
Klaas: Well then, radishes fucker. (“Radieschenficker”)
Georg: Radish fucker. (“Rettichficker” – seems like Radieschen & Rettich are the same in english)
Joko: Uh, something with “r” for a change!
Tom: Uhm, snout pig. (“Rsselschwein”)
Joko: Umbilical cord wearer. (“Nabelschnurtrger”)
Klaas: That’s babies, that’s not an insult! “Umbilical cord wearer”…
Tom: Yeah, that’s babies, that’s tasteless!
Klaas: A very good insult… Nazi.
Georg: Hedgehog fucker. (“Igelficker”)
Klaas: Animals, vegetables…and adding “-fucker” to that.
Joko: ..something with “r”
Tom: Ass crack cunt. (“Ritzenfotze”) – [it's wrong] …What?!
Joko: Maybe because it’s the same..
Tom: You meant cunt and cunt is the same..?
Klaas: A so-called tautology.
Georg (murmurs): Ugh, I have no chance.
Klaas: So, “e”. … fleabag. (“Ekelpaket”)
Georg: Uhm, tea drinker. (“Teetrinker”)
Klaas: Snot slurper. (“Rotzschlrfer”)
Bill: “f”!
Georg: What?
Bill: Ah, “RotzschlrfER”! …
Georg: Uhm…
Bill: Ass crack licker! Man! (“Rillenlecker”)
Georg: No, not a clue.
- Klaas won that game, he says nothing important anymore :) -
Translation by Herzblut