Pure Charts invites you to discover the second part of the interview with Tokio Hotel, as part of the release of the album “Kings of Suburbia.” The group now says gay marriage, homophobia in France, critical look at the Bill, the character Conchita Wurst and even his solo projects …
“The fans are shocked, we do not understand too much”
Q: With a song like “Love Who Loves You Back” and its very sexual clip, you knew it was in shock a few …
Tom: It’s true they are a little more shocked than we thought! (Laughs) With the video for “Girl Got A Gun” also, people were a little crazy. But, I said, “Why It’s my favorite video!”. I did not think they would talk as the character Toko, the guy in blue, and it’s shock! I love this video! It’s the same thing for “Love Who Loves You Back”, we had the idea long ago. It is inspired by the German film “Perfume”. There is a scene where people want to kill the character. There are hundreds of people shouting at him, he sprayed perfume and people start to love him and to love them. We go from hate to love. We loved this scene! We wanted to make a music video in this spirit, it turns into orgy. It has no fragrance but we have the music!
Bill: And it is a scandal because people make a scandal! One should not make a fuss. It’s just love, that is the message. I do not understand why people say, “Oh la la, there are boys with boys, girls with girls.” All right, we’re in 2014!
Q: I do not know if you are aware but the issue of marriage for all rocked France, it was pretty tense … It offends you?
Bill: Of course I am always shocked when I hear things like that, all this homophobia …
Tom: We’re shocked, because it’s always the same old story …
Bill: Everyone has the right to love who he wants, he must stop with these issues of gender, religion… In some countries, it is a problem. In other all goes well, it’s beautiful! We should not even ask the question …
“At school, I always had problems because of my look”
Q: By doing a song like “Love Who Loves You Back,” you wanted to help your fans to their sexuality, identity?
Bill: Yes. We want to give them confidence. I’ve always been like that myself … I hate it when others tell you what to do, how to be, what to think or what to say. I believe in freedom. Everyone should be able to do what they want, love who he wants. It has always been here and that’s fine.
Q: Exactly, Bill, you had to face a lot of criticism on your look. It was hard to live?
Bill: . The thing is that I had used when I was little (Smiles) I went to school with nail polish, make-up … I have always had problems.
Tom: I was the older brother who was defending him in the playground!
Bill: I have always been at odds. In hindsight, yes it was a provocation, perhaps I was trying to cause this reaction. But I’ve never understood why it might bother some in. I wanted to show everyone that I did not care, assuming, I told them: “Fuck you”. I had the habit so I do not care if you criticize my style. It does not affect me.
“Conchita Wurst won Eurovision because of its appearance”
Q:You’ve heard of Conchita Wurst who won the Eurovision this year?
Georg : Wurst (Laughs) It means sausage in German!
Bill: It’s cool that she won. She has a good voice. It’s a beautiful message!
Q: She will dance at the Crazy Horse. For the first time, a man in the spotlight of a magazine …
Bill: That’s great, it’s a good example for people, for tolerance.
Tom: After winning the Eurovision takes over her appearance than the song, I must admit. But that’s fine! This is a beautiful symbol.
“We would like to collaborate with a DJ”
Q: Your music has changed. You too. The media and the public still talk a lot about your appearance. You were expecting so much?
Bill: Yes! Expected. After that, it is normal for me, fashion, look, the artwork, photos and stuff, it’s part of the package, what you create. We just need the music is always present.
Q: Do not talk as the rest. Bill, you love you embark on a solo career?
Georg : I think! (laughs)
Tom: I’ll make one myself.
Bill: What? You, a solo career?
Tom: ‘Yes, me and my huge penis (They all laugh) I just looking for a stage name. Maybe Tom Long Dong! (Laughs)
“I’m going to launch a clothing line”
Bill: I’ve never really thought about. I am in the group, even musically, I am confused. I’m glad you love what you do. I do not have the desire to do a solo album. Anyway, not right away. I love working with other people. We would like to collaborate with a DJ soon … Nothing is planned. But I would get a clothing line! I have to find time to do things well. I just do not want to put my name, I want to draw etc … I want this to be a trick. I’ve been working on designs for several years. When the time comes, it will come out.
Translation by: TokioHotelCanada
Source: Chartsinfrance.net