2010.06.25. Cleo
10-Minute Timeout
Amg a Tokio Hotel ikrei, Bill s Tom Kaulitz a vrosban tartzkodott az Audi Fashion Festival 2010 miatt, mg a gitrjaik nlkl is el tudtak minket bvlni.
Valamelyiktk el tudna kpzelni egy valdi karriert a divatvilgban, most, hogy mr belekstoltatok?
Bill: Igen. Mint zensz, eslyt kaptam arra, hogy fantasztikus fotsokkal s tervezkkel dolgozhassak. Igazn lveztem, amikor Karl Lagerfelddel dolgoztam a Vogue-nak s ksztettem nhny klassz dolgot a Vanity Fair-rel. Terveztem nhny ltzket az utols turnnkra is. Egy lom lenne a szmomra, megtervezni a sajt mrkmat.
Most, hogy mega sikeresek vagytok, van valami, amit utltok a sikerben?
Bill: Nha azt kvnom, brcsak elmehetnk szrakozni s azt tehetnm, amit akarok, elmehetnk inni egy brba vagy brmit, de ez nehz. Tom: Utljuk a paparazzikat. Amikor februrban a Maldv-szigeteken voltunk, s a bungalnk krl lfrltunk, vadsztak rnk. Msnap pedig a pletykalapokban voltak a kpeink.
A msik hres ikerpr a vrosban most Dean s Dan Caten a DSquaredbl, akik mindig egyformn ltznek. Ti is csinljtok ezt?
Tom: letnk els hat vben egyformn nztnk ki. Bill: Ez a szleink mve volt, hogy egyformn ltztettek minket. Tom: Voltak pulcsijaink "Tom" s "Bill" felirattal, hogy a tanrok knnyebben meg tudjanak minket klnbztetni. Most, mi dntjk el, hogyan akarunk kinzni.
A banda tbbi tagja is gy rzi, hogy a frontember Bill hajlamos tlragyogni a tbbieket?
Tom: Oh igen, mi mindannyian Bill rnykban llunk. Mindig ez volt amita elkezdtnk interjkat adni magazinoknak s hasonlk. Bill lesz a cmlapon s mi, tudod, ott llunk mgtte. [nevet] Bill: Yeah, remekl megvagyunk ezzel, mert olyan jl ismerjk egymst. Plusz, k brmikor elmehetnek a McDonald's-ba. n nem!
While in town for the Audi Fashion Festival 2010, Tokio Hotel's identical twin brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz manage to rock us even without their guitars.
Would any of you consider a real career in the fashion industry, since you've already begun dabbling in it?
Bill: Yes. As a musician, I've had the chance to work with fantastic photographers and designers. I really enjoyed the time I worked with Karl Lagerfeld for Vogue and I've done some cool stuff with Vanity Fair. I also drew some costumes for our last tour. It'd be a dream to design my own line.
Now that you're mega successful, is there anything you hate about fame?
Bill: Sometimes I wish I could just go out and do what I want to do and go drink in a bar or whatever, but it's hard. Tom: We hate the paparazzi. While we were in the Maldives this February and hanging around our bungalow, they were hunting us down. There were pictures of us in the tabloids the next day.
The other famous pair of twins in town are Dean and Dan Caten from DSquared, who always dress alike. Do you guys do that too?
Tom: We looked the same for the frst six years of our lives. Bill: That's this tiny thing our parents did, dress us identically. Tom: We had sweatshirts with "Tom" and "Bill" on them for the teachers to identify us more easily. Now, we dcide what we want to look like.
Does the rest of the band feel that Bill, as the frontman of the band, tends to outshine everyone else?
Tom: Oh yeah, we all stand in the shadow of Bill. It's always been like that since we started having interviews with magazines and stuff. Bill would be on the cover and we'd, you know, stand behind. [laughs] Bill: Yeah, we're cool with it cos we know each other so well. Plus, they can go to McDonald's whenever they want. I can't!