2011.06.26. Bild.de
gy nz ki Tokio Gaga! BILL KAULITZ-OT SSZE LEHET KEVERNI LADY GAGAVAL Taln kzhelynek hangzik, de: zlsek s pofonok. Habr, Lady Gagt, 25, s Bill Kaulitzot, 21, elnzve, megjegyezhetjk: az ltzkk valban megragadja az embert - ismt! Amg Gaga finak ltzve pardzott, az ultra-ultra-magassarkjbans az arannyal kivert mellnyben, addig Bill gy festett, mint Miss Kaulitz. Nos, mindketten a Tokiban rendezett "MTV Awards" est fnypontjai voltak - ms hressgek nem mertek Tokiba jnni a nukleris katasztrfa miatt. gy most nagyon hangosan kijelentjk: A btorsg jl illik hozztok!
Forrs: bild.de
This is how Tokio Gaga looks! BILL KAULITZ MIGHT BE CONFUSED WITH LADY GAGA It may be idle to tell you another truism, but: There's no accounting for taste. However, at the sight of Lady Gaga, 25, and Bill Kaulitz, 21, you can indisputably notice: Their outfits are an eyecatcher once again! Whilst Gaga went around dressed up rather like a boy, despite her ultra-ultra- high-heels and golden-studded leather vest, Bill seemed like a Miss Kaulitz. Anyway, both were the highlight of the evening at the "MTV Awards" near Tokyo - other stars didn't dare to come to Tokyo because of the nuclear disaster. Insofar we tell you very loud: The courage suits you well!
Forrs: bild.de