2012.09.14. Bild.de
Tokio Hotel-ikrek a DSDS-zsrijben!
Micsoda remek zsri!
Miutn az RTL mr megszerezte magnak a showmsorok rist, Thomas Gottschalk-ot, a kvetkez TV szenzci most jn:
a Tokio Hotel-ikrek Bill (23) s Tom Kaulitz (23) lesz a "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" kt j zsritagja!
A BILD exkluzv forrsbl szerzett informcit a mega-szerzdsrl, ami segt majd a zenszeknek, hogy kt v utn visszatrhessenek.
Siker az RTL-nek. A Pro7 korbban lltlag sikertelenl prblta megszerezni Billt s Tomot a " Voice " zsrijbe tavaly.
Mr szeptember 24-n az ikrek ott lesznek a zsriben, hogy megtljk az els nekeseket Dieter
Bohlen (58) trsasgban. De amg adsba kerl, a rajongknak hrom hnapot kell vrniuk.
A "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" 10. vada 2013 janurjban kezddik. A Tokio Hotel-ikrek mellett a Culcha Candela frontembere, Itchy is a zsriben fog lni.
Tokio Hotel-Twins in the
What a great jury!
After RTL has
already got show-titan Thomas Gottschalk, the next TV sensation is coming now:
the Tokio Hotel-Twins Bill (23) and Tom Kaulitz (23) will be the new judges of
"Deutschland sucht den Superstar" (German version of "Pop
BILD learned exclusively from the mega-deal, which both
musicians helps with their comeback two years after their last
A success for RTL. Pro7 had allegedly tried unsuccessfully to
get Bill and Tom as judges for "The Voice" last year.
Already on the
24th September the twins will judge the first singers together with Dieter
Bohlen (58). But until the TV broadcast, the fans will have to wait another
three months.
The 10th season of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar"
starts in January 2013. In addition to the Tokio Hotel-Twins also Culcha Candela
frontman Itchy will sit in the jury.
Translation by TokioHotel-Info
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