2014.08.08. Tokio Hotel TV Season 2014 - Trailer
Georg : Hello ! Hello !
Az j album ksztse
Tom : Nha olyan... nha... amikor elkszlnk a vgs keverssel, s akkor jn Bill ... amikor kevernk s ... s ... megvagyunk az utols simtsokkal a dalon ... s Bill jn s azt mondja "nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nekem gy nem tetszik bla-bla" mert nha sokkal nylasabban szereti, mint n, szval mindenfle specilis effektet akar...
Bill : Az egyszarv esszencia.
Pumba : *ugat*!
Bill : Nekem ... nem tudom arra knyszerteni magamat, hogy leljn s kreatv legyek, Tom viszont tudja. egyszeren fogja magt, s azt mondja, "Ok, ma a stdiba megyek, rkon t ott fogok lni s egy dalon fogok dolgozni," n egyszeren nem tudom ezt csinlni, szval ha gy rzem, hogy van egy remek tletem, akkor felveszem a mobilomra s berohanok a stdiba, hogy "Tom, nzd, ezt akarom megcsinlni" s ppen most rkeztem meg s. .. nagyon ers vlemnyem van arrl mit akarok s mit nem, szval nha megtrtnik, hogy Tom mr rk ta dolgozik egy dalon, aztn n bestlok s azt mondom: nem!"
Bill : Nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem!
Bill : Nem.
Tom : Nem.
Tom : Nem.
Bill : Nem.
Bill : Pff !
Bill : Nem.
Tom: Hogyan gondolhatod azt, hogy ez nem nem j?!
Tom : Azt hiszem, ez j.
Bill : "Tom, n nem hiszem."
Tom : Haha. Wouuuh ! Ok, mg egyszer...mg egyszer a kamernak!
Bill : "Tom, nem tudom."
Tom: Pontosan ez az, amit minden nap mond nekem : "Tom, nem tudom megcsinlni, tlsgosan kib*szottul buta vagyok ehhez".
A fotzsok
Bill : A fotzson vagyunk, az albumhoz, az albumborthoz... mindenki itt van, a banda Los Angelesben van, ismt egytt vagyunk. Azt hiszem, ez az els fotzs mr nem is tudom, milyen rgta, elg rg volt! s mindenki itt van, a msodik szerelsben fotzkodunk s ksbb ebdelni megynk majd.
Tom : Ok! Most megvolt a legutols szerels is. Hatalmas kpeket ksztnk, szval nagyszer lesz. Termszetesen mindig nehz lefotzni a tbbieket. Legtbbszr, amikor bandafotk kszlnek, van egy src kzpen, az vagyok n. gy ragyogok, mint egy csillag! s tudjtok, nehz megeleventeni a "banda-rzst". De megprbljuk a legjobbat kihozni magunkbl.
Bill : A kedvenc rszem a fotzson.
Pasi: Legyl vatos, mert olaj van a kezeden.
Lny: Ez nem olaj!
Mindenki: Ez nem olaj!
Gustav : Ez igazn vicces.
Bill : Meztelen, meztelen, szexi top.
Tom : Holnap kinn lesz egy fotzsunk s ppen most zajlik az egyetlen vihar Los Angelesben.
Gustav: "It's raining men"-t nekli*
Tom : dv Los Angelesben, a napfny vrosban, igen...gy hrom ve vagyunk Los Angelesben s mg sosem lttunk ilyen idjrst, mint most, mlik az es, borzalmas... Egsz vben egyetlen napon fotzunk s amilyen szerencssek vagyunk, ppen most mlik az es, de lesz pr fot az utcn...s ppen most lttam, hogy a kocsim ablakai nyitva maradtak, szval majd vennem kell egy jat, haha.
Gustav : Fehr trikt kell viselnnk.
Gustav : Csinljuk.
Georg : Nem tudom, mit csinljak.
Gustav : J munkt vgeztl.
Georg : Gondolod?
Gustav : Igen.
Georg : Ez aranyos, nagyon ksznm. Azt hiszem, te is j munkt vgeztl.
El nem mondott trtnetek...
Tom : Azt hittem, el fognak rabolni minket!
Bill : Bergtk az ajtt s belptek a szobba! A falhoz lktek engem s azt gondoltam: mi a fene folyik itt? Azt hittem, hallottam valamit kintrl vagy korbban valaki megprblta kinyitni az ajtt, de biztos voltam abban, hogy csak rajongk voltak! Biztos voltam abban, hogy meg fogok halni. Azt hittem, valaki meg akar lni. Nem rtettk ket!
Tom : s azt gondoltam, valami spanyol maffia vagy mi.
Bill : Biztos voltam abban, hogy el fognak rabolni. Azt gondoltam, hogy ennyi volt - vge. Amikor az ajt vgre kinylt...
Tom : BAM ! BAM ! BAM !
Bill : Ok, az ajt nyitva van s k most itt vannak a szobban s azt hiszem, hogy magukkal fognak vinni...
Georg : ppen most ebdeltnk s ton vagyunk a stdiba.
Georg : s me !
Gustav : Uh...Nem dohnyzom. Nem, sosem dohnyzom.
"I promise you I'll be a better man, again."
Tom : [...] Ekzben arra gondoltunk, hogy megvltoztatjuk a banda nevt, a "Tokio Hotel"-t...
Magyar fordts: Jolie
Hello ! Hello !
Making the NEW ALBUM
Tom : Sometimes it's like... sometimes... it's when we do the final mix, that's the situation when Bill comes ... when we mix and ... and ... we put the final touches on the song ... and Bill comes out and says "no, no, no, no, no, I do not like that way blah" because he likes a lot more cheesy sometimes than me, so he wants like all the special effects...
Bill : The unicorn essence.
Pumba : *bark*!
Bill : For me ... I can't force myself to like sit down and be creative, cause Tom can. It's like his sketcher, and his rhythms, and it's like, "Okay, today I'm gonna going to the studio, I'm sitting here for like hours and hours and I'm working on a song," and I just can't do that, so, whenever I feel like I have an amazing idea, I record it on my phone and I'm like running up to the studio to say "Tom, look, I want to do this" and I have just arrived and perf. .. I have a very strong opinion about what I want and what I don't, so sometimes it can happen that Tom's like working on a track for like hours and days and I walk in here and I'm like no!"
Bill : Non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, naaaan !
Bill : Non.
Tom : Non.
Tom : Non.
Bill : Non.
Bill : Phhhprrrff !
Bill : Non.
Tom: How can you not think this is good?!
Tom : I think this is good.
Bill : "Tom, ich kann's nicht."
Tom : Haha. Wouuuh ! Ok,one more time...one more time for the camera!
Bill : "Tom, ich kann's nicht".
Tom: That's exactly what he tells me every day : "Tom, I just can't do it, I'm just too fucking stupid".
The Photoshoots
Bill : We are at the shoot for like basically everything, the album, album cover shoot... everyone is here, the band is in LA, we are all united again. I think this is the first shoot after I don't even know how long it's been a while! And everyone is here, we are shooting the second outfit and later we'll go to a lunch break.
Tom : Okay! Now we had our very last outfit. We're shooting largue and great pictures, so it will be great. Of course like, it's always hard to capture the other guys. Most of the time, when we take group shots, there's one guy in the middle and that's me. That shines like a star! And it's, you know, hard to transport the whole band feeling. But we'll try our best.
Bill : My favorite part of the photoshoot.
Guy: Be careful because you have oil on your hands.
Girl: I's not oil!
Everybody: It's not oil!
Gustav : That's really funny.
Bill : Naked, naked. sexy top.
Tom : Tomorrow, we have a photo shoot outside and we have ... we have like the only storm in LA right now.
Gustav: "It's raining men".
Tom : Welcome to LA, sunshine city, yeah...We are in LA for like three years and we have never seen weather like this, it's pouring, it's terrible, it's like...We're one day of out photo shooting in the whole year and with our luck, it rained like that, but we have a couple of shoots at the street...and I just saw that the windows of my car were open, so we'll have to buy also a new one haha.
Gustav : We have to wear white t-shirts.
Gustav : Let's do this.
Georg : I don't know what to do.
Gustav : You did a great job.
Georg : Do you think so?
Gustav : Yes.
Georg : That's cute, thank you very much! I think you did a great job too.
Untold Stories...
Tom : I thought they were going to rob us!
Bill : They kicked in the door and entered the room! They slammed me against the wall and I thought what the hell is going on? I thought I heard something outside or someone trying to open the door earlier, but I was certain they were fans! I was sure I was going to die. I thought someone was about to kill me. We couldn't understand them!
Tom : And I thought they were some kind of Spanish Mafia or something.
Bill : I was certain I was going to be kidnapped. I thought that was it - it's over. When the door finally opened...
Tom : BAM ! BAM ! BAM !
Bill : Okay, the door is open and they are now in the room and I'm thinking they're now going to take me with them...
Georg :We just had lunch and now we're on our way to the studio.
Georg : And here he's !
Gustav : Euh...I don't smoke. No, I never smoke.
"I promise you I'll be a better man, again."
Tom : [...] In between, we had thought about changing the band name "Tokio Hotel" to just...
English Transcription by TOKIO HOTEL ALIENS SPAIN