2014.08.13. TOKIO HOTEL TV [1. rsz] – A fik visszatrnek a vrosba
BILL: A fcm, “Bill s Tom mr nem gy nz ki, mint a Tokio Hotel”.
TOM: Legutbb a fotzs miatt tallkoztunk Gustavval s Georggal a vrosban?
BILL: Igen a fotzs miatt… Komolyan, mindig van, egy bizonyos energia mikor egytt vagyunk. Legtbbszr…
TOM: Rettenetes…
BILL: Szerintem sok ember nem rti a humorunkat, mert elg fura…
TOM: Fura… Nem, mert azt hiszik, hogy tk iditk vagyunk.
BILL: Iditk… Ha egytt ltsz minket, akkor inkbb meneklj, mert mg most htvgn is itt vagyunk a rohadt munkval.
TOM: Ha pldul emberek vannak krlttnk, mondjuk a csapatunk, akkor egyfajta “Tokio Hotel sznetet” tartanak, s mindenki azt mondja, hogy “Ok, mg csak most nnek fel…”
BILL: “Taln felnnek, de lehet, hogy mg inkbb… rettebbek lesznek”
TOM: Pontosan!
BILL: Most fognak visszatrni s… ott szarakodnak!
TOM: Igazbl rosszabb, mint valaha.
GEORG: A nadrgom!
BILL: Folyton egymst szvatjuk, errl szl az egsz. Pldul valaki csinl valami vicceset, vagy durvt, akkor a msik mg viccesebbet akar s aztn minden egy nagy sszevisszasg lesz. Nagyon izgatottak vagyunk, hogy mi lesz.
GEORG: Most fejeztk be az ebdet, s most megynk a stdiba. Hol van Gustav?
GEORG: Itt is van. Menjnk!
GUSTAV: Nem dohnyzom. n sosem dohnyzom.
GEORG: Be kne ugranunk elszr a Liquerbe?
GEORG: Ez Gustav, ez meg a tbbiek.
GEORG: Nem szmt.
GEORG: Ksznm.
GUSTAV: Ksznm. Viszlt!
TOM: Igen, hell?
GEORG: Igen, hell… n rendelt tact s pr prostitultat?
TOM: dv az rltek Hzban!
DAVID: n mondom, ez nagyon j Tom! Most mr meg tudom mondani, ez egy slger. Nem?
TOM: Aha, tudom.
BILL: Izgatott vagyok, s termszetesen ideges vagyok, hogy megosszuk azt a vilggal, amin az elmlt vekben dolgoztunk.
TOM: Remek lesz, minden sszell s nagyszeren hangzik…
BILL: Nagyon izgalmas, mert a stdi munklatok alatt teljesen ms dolgokat csinltunk, mint amit szoktunk s odakint pldul majd reklmoznunk kell, jtszani s fellpni, szval vissza a rgi kerkvgsba.
GEORG: Nem lehetne mg egy kis…
BILL: Ez mvszet.
GEORG: Mvszet.
BILL: Tudjtok mit szeretek benne? Hogy mvszi s valdi. Ez valdi mvszet. Valdi mindenkinek, s valdi mvszet. Valdi pop mvszet. Lady Gaga hogyan nevezn?
TOM: Egszsgetekre!
Prba a fotzshoz
BILL: A kedvenc rszem a fotzsban.
TOM: Csak egy kicsit kicsi, nem? Fenbe, pedig tetszett…
TOM: Bill, mi a vlemnyed?
BILL: Prblok…
BILL: A prbls a kedvenc rszem… Tudjtok, az egsznek a divat oldalt szeretem, mindig is szenvedlyesen imdtam a divatot. Mindig is imdtam a divatot s ez a legfontosabb dolog szmomra, amellett, hogy nekes vagyok. Szval, mindig is lveztem. s imdom, s izgatott tesz, mikor rm csodlkoznak, mikor belpek egy helysgbe. Csodlatos, ahogy ltom azt a sok ruht. Remek volt s j szrakozs.
TOM: Mr kivlasztottam ezt…
BILL: Nem, nem, nem, nem.
TOM: Amivel Gustav a legkevsb trdik…
BILL/TOM: az a divat.
BILL: s a ruhk.
TOM: Igen, a ruhk. Emlkszem, mikor azt a rohadt tehenes plt viselte. Nagyjbl akkor kapta, mikor 10 ves volt s mg 23 vesen is hordta. Leszarja, s ez ltszik is, de rszemrl ez rendben is van.
GEORG: Vedd fel ezt. Ez j.
Kvetkez rsz: Bill klnleges tablettja – 2014. augusztus 20.
GEORG: Most kezdtk el a fotzst. Az els egyni kpeket csinljuk. Szuper.
TOM: Termszetesen mindig nehz a tbbieket fotzni. Legtbbszr, mikor csapat fotkat ksztnk, egy src van kzpen, aki n vagyok. gy ragyogok, mint egy csillag! s gy azrt nehz megragadni a “teljes zenekar rzst”. De minden tlnk telhett megtesznk.
A fordts Betty (http://www.tokio-h.com/) munkja. Ezton is ksznet rte.
Tokio Hotel TV, Episode 01 - The Boys Are Back In Town
Bill : The headlines says: "Bill and Tom - They don't look like Tokio Hotel anymore"
Tom: Last time we had Georg and Gustav in town was for the photoshoot, right?
Bill: For the photoshoot, yeah. I mean, I think it's always like that certain energy we have when we're all together. It's like... most of times it's just..
Tom: terrible
Bill: I think that a lot of people don't get our humor because it's like..
Tom: They think we are..
Bill: ...totally idiots
Tom: idiots
Bill: If you see us together I would just go and run because we're like... we are at the weekend with the fucking work.
Tom: If we have people around us like also the team, they're kind like "take a break" and everybody is like "okay... so now they grew up..."
Bill: "Maybe they grew up and maybe they're like a lot more... like "mature"
Tom: exactly!
Bill: And they come back and they're like "Fuck there!"
Tom: It's worst than ever, exactly!
*G's are playing*
Georg: ah! My pants!
*The boys sing the birds song*
Bill: We fight each other up. That's what it is! We're like... because someone is doing something funny and rough and the next one wants to be even funnier and then it's just like... it just always turns out like to be a big mess but we're just getting very excited about, you know, what's to come.
Georg: We just finished lunch and now we're on our way to the studio. Where's Gustav?
Here he is!! Let's go!
Gustav: em.. I don't smoke. No, I never smoke.
Georg: Should we start with the liqueur first?
Gustav: yeah
Georg: This is for Gustav and this is for the rest of us.
Gustav: What?
Georg: No... it doesn't matter.
Georg: Thank you
Gustav: Thanks, bye!
*At the studio*
Tom: Yes, hello?
Georg: Yes, hello.. you ordered Taco and some prostitutes?
Tom: Welcome to the Mad House
David: That's a really great one, Tom. I can tell you now... it's a hit. Isn't it?
Tom: Yeah, I know.
Bill: I'm excited and, of course, nervous to share what we did the last couple of years with the rest of the world.
Tom: That's great, I mean... everything comes together and sounds great
Bill: But it's so exciting because.. of course the studio worked so different from what we usually do and we are out there promoting and playing and performing so it's like this old life is gonna start again.
*New song*
Bill: It's art. You know what I like about it: it's art and it's true. It's true art.
Tom: It's true for everyone
Bill: It's true for everyone and it's true art... it's true art-pop.
Tom: It's true art-pop
Bill: How Lady Gaga would call it, ne?
Tom: Cheers!
Bill: Cheers!
Bill: My favourite part of the photoshoot!
Tom: Just a little small, huh? Shit, I kinda liked it.
Tom: Bill, what's your opinion?
Bill: I, I'm, I'm fitting
Bill: I mean, fitting it's like my favourite part like all... the whole fashion side it's just what I love. I was always passioned about it. I always loved fashion and this is my, you know, biggest thing aside from being a singer so I always enjoy that and I get big eyes and I get excited when I walk in the room and I see all these amazing clothing and em.. It was great. It was fun.
Tom: I picked this one already... (teasing)
Bill: No, no, no...
Tom: The last thing Gustav cares about is fashion and clothing. I mean, I remember him wearing a fucking tshirt with like a cow. He got this tshirt like when he was fucking 10 years old and he was wearing it until he was 23. He doesn't give a shit and you can see it. I mean, it's fine. It's great.
Georg: Ah that's nice
Bill’s Special Pill
20th of August
Georg: We just started the photoshooting. We're doing the 'solos' first. Amazing.
Tom: It's always hard to capture the other guys because like most of the times when we take group shots there's like one guy in the middle and that's me, that shines like a star and it's, you know, it's hard to transport the whole band feeling. But we'll try our best.
Transcription by http://zoom-into-tokiohotel.blogspot.com.es/