myxmag: A Tokio Hotel rajongi krdsekre vlaszol
t hossz v utn a nmet rockbanda, a Tokio Hotel visszatrt az j albumval, a "Kings of Suburbia"!
Egy MYXclusive telefonos interj alatt, amely a gitros Tom Kaulitz-cal s az nekes Bill Kaulitz-cal kszlt, volt lehetsgnk arra, hogy nhny rszletet megtudhassunk a bandtl a visszatr albumukrl, a "Kings of Suburbia"-rl!
"Tulajdonkppen hossz ideig dolgoztunk rajta," rulta el Tom. "A legutbbi albumunk utn kivettnk egy kis szabadsgot s egyszeren csak arra van szksgnk, hogy ljk az letet s azt hiszem, errl szl az j album. Nagyon sok letet s sok szeretetet tettnk ebbe a lemezbe," folytatta.
Az album cmrl Tom elrulta, hogy a "Kings of Suburbia" arrl az rzsrl szl, amikor mg gyerekek voltak s a szlvrosukban ltek. "Ez egy olyan rzs, ami mindannyiunkban ott volt. Klnleges a jelentse a szmunkra."
A bandval ksztett telefonos interj eltt, megkrtnk nhny Tokio Hotel rajongt, hogy kldjenek neknk krdseket, amiket meg akarnak krdezni Billtl s Tomtl, s az ikrek nagyon izgatottan kszltek a vlaszadsra!
myxmag: Tokio Hotel replies fan questions
After five long years, German rock band Tokio Hotel is back with their new album "Kings of Suburbia"!
During a MYXclusive phone interview with guitarist Tom Kaulitz and lead vocalist Bill Kaulitz, we had the opportunity to ask the band some details about their comeback album "Kings of Suburbia"!
"We worked on this for a long time actually," shared Tom. "We took some time off after the last record and we just need to live life and I think that's what this new album's all about. We put a lot of life and a lot of love into this record," he continued.
As for the title of the album, Tom revealed that "Kings of Suburbia" is about a feeling that they had when they were still kids, growing up in their hometown. "It's a feeling that everybody of us always had. It's a special meaning for us."
Prior to our phone interview with the band, we asked some Tokio Hotel fans to send us some questions that they want to ask Bill and Tom and the twins were nothing but excited to answer them!
Acoustic performance of LWLYB on KROQ
De-Code LTD - 10 h
Well done! acoustic performance of is on 10/28! We'll have video for u guys!
Premios Telehit 2014
2014. november 12-n a Tokio Hotel megjelenik a Mexikvrosban rendezett Premios Telehit 2014 djtad gln.

camera action #meandpumbi #dtla #photoshoot

photoshoot day #dtla #onset
Girl Got A Gun - Paris Showcase
Video: Girl Got A Gun - Paris Showcase

always good to have some company in the vocal booth #recording #pumba

thursdays - hanging in the studio #studioday
Interview Magazine #11 – Tokio Hotel – bc
A monszunon t s jra itt vannak. 5 vvel legutbbi albumuk megjelense utn, Amerikba szktek s testek az elkerlhetetlen felntt vls folyamatn. A Tokio Hotel teljesen megjult zenekarknt trt vissza: sokkal nemzetkzibbek, sokkal elektronikusabbak s ms frizurval. De a rszletek helyett, Bill s Tom Kaulitz elmeslte zenekaruk egsz trtnett. Hogyan srgettk, hogy a sznpadon lljanak duknt, mint Black Questionmark s hirtelen, hogyan rtek el ngyesben vilgmret sikert, mesltek mg a Los Angelesben jra meglelt szabadsgrl, illetve, hogy milyen ltvnyt jelentett nekik Jeruzslem, amirl mg Pumba sem tudhat, mivel angol bulldogjuk mg meg sem szletett akkor. dv a nagy Tokio Hotel bcben!
A, mint Autobahn (autplya)
TOM: Autplya!
BILL: igen, rgta nem vezettnk mr az autplyn!
TOM: Az autplya az egyik kedvencem Nmetorszgban. Ez hinyzik a legjobban, mikor Los Angelesben vagyok: gyorsan vezetni, sebessg korltozs nlkl, anarchia.
INTERVIEW: s kevesebb forgalmi dug?
BILL: Los Angelesben horrorisztikus a forgalmi dug. Nem vezetek Los Angelesben, mondjuk, egybknt sem nagyon vezetek.
INTERVIEW: Tom, egy baba szokott melletted lni az anyslsen, hogy gy vezethess a gyorsabb telekocsi svban*, mikor egyedl vagy?
TOM: Nem, amgy mindig mellettem van Bill.
*[ Telekocsi: A telekocsik (a vezet s egy vagy tbb utas ltal kzsen hasznlt autk) szmra fenntartott forgalmi sv.]

Check out our facebook tomorrow 5pm cet, limited signed prints coming your way!

Check tomorrow 5pm cet for our limited signed prints!!! #merch #tokiohotelmerch #aliens

Interview: Tokio Hotel for
Video: Interview: Tokio Hotel for
Interview 11/2014
Through the Monsoon and back again. Five years after their last album, the escape to America and an inevitable maturity process, Tokio Hotel show themselves as an entirely renewed band - more international, more electronical and with different hairstyles. But instead of parts, Bill & Tom Kaulitz only know how to spell the history of their band as a continuity. How they urged to be on stage as a duo as B like Black Questionmark, and suddenly had worldwide success as Q like quartet, found in L.A. the missing F like freedom again, caused a spectacle in J like Jerusalem in the meantime, but which P like Pumba doesn't know anything of, because their English bulldog wasn't even born back then. Welcome to the big Tokio-Hotel-alphabet!
A - TOM KAULITZ: Autobahn!
BILL KAULITZ: Oh yeah, we haven't driven on the Autobahn for so long!
TOM: The Autobahn is one of my favorite things in Germany. It's the thing I miss most when I'm in LA: driving fast, no speed limit, anarchy.
INTERVIEW: And less traffic jam?
BILL: The traffic in LA is a horror. I don't drive a car in LA, I generally don't drive a car though.
INTERVIEW: Tom, do you have a doll next to you on the passenger seat, so that you're allowed to drive on the faster carpool lane when you're alone?
TOM: Nah, I always have Bill next to me anyway.