
pumbi and me at dinner #longday #hungryboys

rehearsals #wettendass #kingsofsuburbia #lwlyb

The new designed bass drum head arrived! Love it!!! #lwlyb #kos #drums #tokiohotelinstagram #aliens – Bill mindenkit fellml
Sikts! A Tokio Hotel visszatr Nmetorszgba – s a Bild is ott volt.
ltalban nem ilyenek szoktak lenni a sajttjkoztatk. Bna krdsek, standard vlaszok. Nem gy a Tokio Hoteln cstrtkn.
A Kaulitz testvrek megjelentek a berlini Babylon moziban s dten nyltan beszltek a szexrl, a dohnyzsrl s a siker okozta nyomsrl.
Az ok: j albumuk, a “Kings of Suburbia” pnteken jelenik meg.
Tokio Hotel [8. rsz] – “”Love Who Loves You Back” sznfalai mgtt”
GUSTAV: Ksznm.
BILL: J reggelt.
TOM: Reggelt, mi?
GEORG: gy akar kinzni.
GEORG: Prbljunk meg egy kis letet lehelni ebbe az arcba. Visszatrtem jra az letbe, mi?!
BILL: J nagy dszlet, mi?
SHIRO GUTZIE: Sok ember van…
BILL: A zent fel kne nyomni hangosabbra!
KAMERAMAN: Akkor szerelmeskedjnk! Ksz! s forog a kamera… Rendben! Forog a kamera. Szp s srcok lasstsatok. Ksz? A kamera forog. Ksz! Mehet a zene!
RENDEZ: rintsd meg Bill mellkast, igen! gy tartsd a kezed a mellkasn, krlek. Menj gy vgig! Lthatnnk gy, hogy htulrl rinti meg?

On the way to Erfurt... #bartfratze #wettendass #gangstaparadiz

#KingsofSuburbia out now!!! did you get your copy yet? how do you guys like it? #mostexcitingday #thirdofoctober #tokiohotel

NR 1!!!! aaaaaahhhhhh thanks for making the album #nr1 in so many countries! we are overwhelmed #Austria #Greece #Norway #Sweden #Estonia #Latvia #Malta #Poland #Romania #Slovenia #Argentina #Chile #ElSalvadore #Peru #Venezuela #Azerbaijan #Belarus #Kazakhstan #Russia #Denmark ..... more to come #thanks #love #kingsofsuburbia
Tokio Hotel in Berlin - Big interview with Bill and Tom Kaulitz
For five years there was silence around Tokio Hotel. The frontmen Bill and Tom Kaulitz moved to Los Angeles, and found inspiration and freedom. In the interwiew with the dpa (Deutsche Presseagentur) the twins speak about the luxury of anonymity, squealing girls and their new Album "Kings of Suburbia".
You haven't released an album in Germany in five years. Why did it take you so Long?
Bill: Tom and me moved to America and then we first wanted to organize our private life. We had worked 24/7 straight for such a long time. Because of that we took a time out and then only slowly started to work in the studio again. Many people just release one album after another, we think that's unnatural.