Egy jszaka – egy visszhangz sikoly
Csend, hangosabb, mint elzleg,
Egy vrcsepp a padln,
Hideg szl svt az ajtmon keresztl.
Oh – gynyr vagy,
Ne menj el – annyira szksgem van rd.
Minden fjdalom, amit megosztottunk,
Minden dicssg, ami a mink volt,
Vge van, vge van - de mindig
el leszek veszve a mban, a mltban
elveszett a jvben, ami a mink volt,
Vge van, vge van - de mindig is a megszllottad leszek.
Nincs let – nincs hang – csak te s n,
A vg olyannak tnik, mint az els alkalom.
Oh – gynyr vagy,
Ne menj el – annyira szksgem van rd.
Minden fjdalom, amit megosztottunk,
Minden dicssg, ami a mink volt,
Vge van, vge van - de mindig
el leszek veszve a mban, a mltban
elveszett a jvben, ami a mink volt,
Vge van, vge van - de mindig is a megszllottad leszek.
Haza, gyere haza,
Haza, gyere haza,
Minden lom, amit megosztottunk,
Minden sz, amit kimondtunk,
Vge van, vge van - de mindig
el leszek veszve a mban, a mltban
elveszett a jvben, ami a mink volt,
Vge van, vge van - de mindig is a megszllottad leszek.
A megszllottad leszek.
A megszllottad leszek.
Fordtotta: Jolie
Invaded - lyrics
One night – one scream on Echo,
Silence louder than before,
One tear of blood on the floor,
Cold wind through my broken door.
Oh – You’re beautiful,
Don’t you go – I need you so.
That all the pain that we shared,
That all the glory we had,
It’s over, it’s over – but I will always be.
Lost in today, in the past,
Lost in the future we had,
It’s over, it’s over – but I will always be
Invaded by you.
No life – no sound – just you and I,
The end feels like the first time.
Oh – You’re beautiful,
Don’t you go – I need you so.
That all the pain that we shared,
That all the glory we had,
It’s over, it’s over – but I will always be.
Lost in today, in the past,
Lost in the future we had,
It’s over, it’s over – but I will always be
Invaded by you.
Home, come home,
Home, come home,
That all the dreams that we shared,
That all the words that we said,
It’s over, it’s over – but I will always be.
Lost in today, in the past,
Lost in the future we had,
It’s over, it’s over – but I will always be
Invaded by you, by you,
Invaded by you – oh,
Invaded by you.
Tokio Hotel TV 2014 [EP 08] ’Behind the scenes of Love Who Loves You Back‘
Video: Tokio Hotel TV 2014 [EP 08] ’Behind the scenes of Love Who Loves You Back‘
ZDF: Leute Heute
Tomorrow "Tokio Hotel: Zurck in Deutschland" will be broadcast in the programme Leute Heute (at the TV channel ZDF) at 5.45 p.m. (German time).
Holnap este hromnegyed hatkor a ZDF-en a Tokio Hotel nmetorszgi visszatrsrl lesz sz a Leute Heute msorban.
Tokio Hotel at NRJ Radio
Tokio Hotel is going to attend a programme at NRJ Radio (Paris, France) on 8th October between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. (German time).
Tokio Hotel Twitter
Tokio Hotel - 34 min
USA, the wait is over! LOVE WHO LOVES YOU BACK out now on iTunes:
Details on the Album release coming by end of week!

#lovewholovesyouback #lwlyb

Thanks to the World Famous @kroq for adding our new single 'love who loves you back' and for being the first to get on board in US Radio #radio #worldfamouskroq #lwlyb #tokiohotel #kingsofsuburbia #spreadthelove

Premiere of #lwlyb Turned out so great! Check #tokiohotelinstagram #aliens #love

video premiere of our new single LOVE WHO LOVES YOU BACK on #lwlyb #newvideo #love #tokiohotel