Christmas decoration done! ! ✔ #xmas #ready
Bill - Best Brands
Best Brands @ Hotel Bayerischer Hof
Mnchen, 11 February 2015
Bill is going to present the award for the best fashion brand. / Bill a legjobb divatmrknak jr djat adja t a gln.
Radio Disney Mexico: Tokio Hotel
Video: Radio Disney Mexico: Tokio Hotel
The golden item for tomorrow’s holiday merch special on Facebook. Gustav’s original #KOS sticks. #TokioHotelMerch
TKM Entrevista Exclusiva: Tokio Hotel
Video: TKM Entrevista Exclusiva: Tokio Hotel
FEEL IT ALL WORLD TOUR ! Tokio Hotel Trailer
Video: FEEL IT ALL WORLD TOUR ! Tokio Hotel Trailer
Guitarist Tom Kaulitz Discusses New Tokio Hotel Album, Kings of Suburbia
Following the success of Tokio Hotel’s 2005 debut album, Schrei, twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz—along with bassist Georg Listing and drummer Gustav Schafer—became the most successful German rock band of the last 20 years.
Tokio Hotel have built a huge fan base and sold more than 7 million albums worldwide.
But in 2009, after years of relentless recording and touring, the band decided to take a break and relocated to Los Angeles to find new inspiration. The result is the band’s third album, Kings of Suburbia.
From the propulsive and sensual “Love Who Loves You Back” to the catchy, guitar-driven “Girl Got a Gun," Kings Of Suburbia combines songwriting maturity with polished production.
I recently spoke with guitarist Tom Kaulitz about Kings of Suburbia, his musical upbringing and more.
#FEELITALLWORLDTOUR #getready #tokiohotelcom
handwritten lyrics #LWLYB #metrolyrics #ads #love
Feel It All World Tour 2015 - Part 1
According to the website of [Adventures in Wonderland] ALL the VIP packages to the Feel It All Tour 2015 - Part 1 were sold out.
Now you can buy only ordinary tickets to the concerts - except the one in Hamburg (where EVERY ticket and VIP package were sold out).
ready? #christmasshopping
Bild – Hamarosan megkondulnak az eskvi harangok a Tokio Hotel hza tjn!
Vge a vad idknek…
A ngyfs zenekar egyik tagja hamarosan mersz lpsre sznja el magt.
A BILD informcii szerint, Nmetorszg legsikeresebb tini zenekarnak dobosa, Gustav Schfer (26) decemberben bartnjvel kimondja azt a bizonyos „igen”-t.
A BILD megtudta: Az eskvre decemberben kerl sor Magdeburgban. Az eskvt kvet nnepsg Schwielowsee vidkn lesz. A jeles napra csak a legkzelebbi hozztartozk kaptak meghvt.
A zenekar stdi felvtelei Los Angelesben zajlanak, de Gustav visszakltztt Magdeburgba a szerelem miatt. Most pedig a hzassg kvetkezik.
Gustav lete szerelmrl, a menyasszonyrl nem sokat tudni. Gustav egyszer meslt rla egy 2009-es interj sorn a BUNTE magazinnak: „A bartnm pr vvel idsebb, s Magdeburgban lakik. Ha nem tallkozunk, akkor llandan telefonon beszlnk. ”
A dobos 2001 ta jtszik egy zenekarban az ikrekkel, Bill s Tom Kaulitzcal (25). Gustav az els tag, aki meghzasodik a sikeres zenekarbl.
A BILD informcii szerint, az eskvn rszt vesz Georg – aki szintn Magdeburgban l -, illetve az ikrek, Bill s Tom is.
A fordtsrt ksznet illeti: Betty ()
#tulum #mexico
HappyBirthdayPumba!!! Pumba is taking over #TokioHotelTV watch his episode on our YT! #HappyBirthdayPumba
Birthday Boy! #feelslikeyesterday #happybirthdayschlingel #minipumbi #oneyear #firstbirthday
Birthday Pumbi #firstyear #firstbirthday #one