
car selfie - on the way to the second video shoot #desert #secondvideo #selfie #hottestday #newalbum #tokiohotel #2014
on set #secondvideo #tokiohotel #desert #heat #rattlesnakes
A Tokio Hotel most mr valban beindult! Jv szerdn rkezik a Tokio Hotel TV negyedik epizdja, Bill pedig nhny rja tett fel fotkat az Instagramjra a msodik videklip forgatsra menet. gy tnik, ez a klip a sivatagban jtszdik majd (a tbla jelentse: csrgkgy-veszly) ...

#hotsummerdays #cali #pumba
Tokio Hotel Blog
We are, we are, we are – Radio Hysteria!
This is Throwback Thursday Live with ‘Darkside of the Sun’ We are, we are, we are – Radio Hysteria!
OK magazine
The teenie-band returns after 5 years. However, a lot of fans are disappointed with the long-awaited return.
The new album will be probably released this year.
Tokio Hotel, who have broken all the records since 2005, want to start again. That is why the four boys from Magdeburg appear on the social networks regularly and on Youtube they feed their fans with short films.
But a lot of fans are already bitterly disappointed.
Bill and Tom Kaulitz, (24), Gustav Schfer, (25), and Georg Listing, (27), have changed a lot. Their looks are mature, their sound is more American-style.
The most criticised point is that the boys talk and sing only in English!
"Just because they live in America and they are internationally known, they mustn't turn their back on Germany and the German people." a fan criticises. "Actually it was us who made it all possible for them." Another fan demanded: "Stay true to your roots".
The love of the fans is not infinite.
Translated by Jolie.
A cikk lnyege rviden: sok rajong nagyot csaldott a zenekarban, rszben a megvltozott klsejk, rszben az amerikai-hangzs zenjk miatt. Sokan srelmezik, hogy mostanban a srcok csak angolul beszlnek s nekelnek. [Ennek azrt ellentmond a Tokio Hotel TV nmelyik jelenete, amikor a fik nmetl szlalnak meg... - a szerkeszt megjegyzse]
Egy rajong gy nyilatkozott: "Csak mert Amerikban lnek s nemzetkzileg ismertek, nem szabadna htat fordtaniuk Nmetorszgnak s a nmet embereknek. Vglis, neknk ksznhetik az egszet [a sikert]."
Tokio Hotel TV 2014 [Episode 03] 'Tom, Do Your f*'n Job - You're My Assistant‘
Tokio Hotel TV [3. rsz] – “Tom vgezd a rohadt munkdat – Te vagy az asszisztensem”
TOM: dv Los Angelesben, a napfny vrosban… Hrom ve vagyunk Los Angelesben s mg nem tapasztaltunk ilyen idjrst itt, zuhog s borzalmas. Egsz vben egyetlen napon fotzunk odakint s a mi szerencsnkkel gy esik, de lesz pr fot odakint s rlet mi van az utcn. s pp most lttam, hogy le van hzva a kocsim ablaka, gy vehetek majd egy jat.
6 rval korbban…
GEORG: ton vagyunk a msodik helysznre a mai fotzshoz. Megint nagyon korn kezdnk. Az idjrs nagyon rosszul fest, ha kinzel. Remljk a legjobbakat, hogy ma nem fog esni, mivel a legtbbet odakint fogunk fotzni.
GEORG: Szval most rkeztnk meg a hzhoz.
GUSTAV: Meglepets, meglepets!
GEORG: Meglepets, elkezdett esni.
[elolvasom a teljes fordtst]
Tom: Welcome to LA! Sunshine city. It’s… We’re in LA for 3 year, I’ve never seen weather like that. It’s pouring, it’s terrible. It’s like, we have one day of out shooting in the whole year and without a lack it’s raining like that. But we had a couple of shoots and… but the street is crazy! And I just saw that my car, the windows are open so I have to buy a new car as well.
*6 hours earlier*
Georg: We are on the way to the second location. Next shooting day, we started really early again. The weather looks really bad if you look outside.
Gustav: Yeah
Georg: We hope our best challenge won’t start to rain today. Most of the things we shoot outside.
So we now have just arrived at the house and…
Gustav: Surprise, surprise!
Georg: Surprise, surprise! It started to rain.
Gustav: Yes
Georg: So we were waiting like 3 hours and now we’re shooting here
Gustav: Just as great as our another film right here and then we can start
[read the whole transcription]

Scan via lonelygirl483 thanks to Nadine (Tokio Hotel Spain Aliens)
rdekessgek a cikkbl:
- elektronikus s felntt hangzsra szmthatunk.
- a Universal nem hajland semmilyen felvilgostst adni az j albumrl, ezrt nhnyan azt gyantjk, hogy a lemez minden promci nlkl, vratlanul fog megjelenni, ahogyan azt Beyonc tette nemrg.

Bill s Tom - Los Angeles

Los Angeles, 2014. augusztus 26.

Holnap jelenik meg a nmet Bravo magazin legjabb szma, amiben a Tokio Hotel visszatrsrl s az j albumrl olvashatunk majd!
Tomorrow the new issue of the German magazine Bravo is going to be published, in which we can read about the comeback of the Tokio Hotel and their new album!

LA sunset #today #summer #sunset #nofilter

beach day #babypumbi #malibu #summer