Schule ohne Klassenzimmer
A honlapjn egy cikk jelent meg a Bochumer Web-Individualschule internetes iskoljrl, ahol annak idejn Bill s Tom is tanult, majd sikeres rettsgi bizonytvnyt szerzett.
A cikkben rluk is esik nhny sz:
"A legismertebb dikok kz tartoznak a Kaulitz-testvrek, Bill s Tom a nmet bandbl, a Tokio Hotelbl. Akr Japnban, akr az USA-ban turnztak, a nmet, matematika, angol s fldrajz leckiket mindig megtanultk a szllodban. s termszetesen a hzi feladataikat is elksztettk. Az idbeosztsuk miatt a tanraik az interneten keresztl tartottk velk a kapcsolatot s ott krdeztk ki ket a tananyagrl."
On the website of you can find an article about the online school, Bochumer Web-Individualschule where Bill and Tom studied, then passed their final exams successfully.
In the article the twins are also mentioned:
"The brothers, Bill and Tom Kaulitz from the German band, Tokio Hotel, belong to the most famous students. No matter if they were on tour in Japan or in the USA, they learnt their lessons in German, Maths, English and Geography in the hotel. And of course they did their homework as well. Because of their timetable, they were in online contact with their teachers and they were asked about the learning material online too."