Tokio Hotel TV [3. rsz] – “Tom vgezd a rohadt munkdat – Te vagy az asszisztensem”
TOM: dv Los Angelesben, a napfny vrosban… Hrom ve vagyunk Los Angelesben s mg nem tapasztaltunk ilyen idjrst itt, zuhog s borzalmas. Egsz vben egyetlen napon fotzunk odakint s a mi szerencsnkkel gy esik, de lesz pr fot odakint s rlet mi van az utcn. s pp most lttam, hogy le van hzva a kocsim ablaka, gy vehetek majd egy jat.
6 rval korbban…
GEORG: ton vagyunk a msodik helysznre a mai fotzshoz. Megint nagyon korn kezdnk. Az idjrs nagyon rosszul fest, ha kinzel. Remljk a legjobbakat, hogy ma nem fog esni, mivel a legtbbet odakint fogunk fotzni.
GEORG: Szval most rkeztnk meg a hzhoz.
GUSTAV: Meglepets, meglepets!
GEORG: Meglepets, elkezdett esni.
[elolvasom a teljes fordtst]
Tom: Welcome to LA! Sunshine city. It’s… We’re in LA for 3 year, I’ve never seen weather like that. It’s pouring, it’s terrible. It’s like, we have one day of out shooting in the whole year and without a lack it’s raining like that. But we had a couple of shoots and… but the street is crazy! And I just saw that my car, the windows are open so I have to buy a new car as well.
*6 hours earlier*
Georg: We are on the way to the second location. Next shooting day, we started really early again. The weather looks really bad if you look outside.
Gustav: Yeah
Georg: We hope our best challenge won’t start to rain today. Most of the things we shoot outside.
So we now have just arrived at the house and…
Gustav: Surprise, surprise!
Georg: Surprise, surprise! It started to rain.
Gustav: Yes
Georg: So we were waiting like 3 hours and now we’re shooting here
Gustav: Just as great as our another film right here and then we can start
[read the whole transcription]