Thank you...
Azt hiszem, ppen itt az ideje, hogy szvbl jv ksznetet mondjak minden kedves ltogatmnak, hiszen nlkletek nem tartana itt a Tom Kaulitz Online.
A honlap zrva tartott kzel msfl ven keresztl (pontosabban egy ven, ngy hnapon s huszonnyolc napon t), s kicsivel tbb, mint hrom hnapja jjledt - mgis e rvid id alatt is hatalmas sikereket knyvelhet el.
Jelenleg a Zene kategriban a harmadik helyen ll, a napi tlag ltogatszmot tekintve pedig a negyvenedik helyen (111.258 holnap kzl)! Azt hiszem, hogy ez mindenkppen fantasztikus eredmny, klnsen, a sznetet s azt tekintve, hogy csak nemrg nyitott ki jra.
Az jranyits ta a legnagyobb ltogatszmot most szerdn rtk el, 539 ember jrt itt, ami szintn elkpeszt (noha a 2010. augusztus 19-n elrt 1241-es rekordtl mg elg tvol vagyunk ;)
NAGYON SZPEN KSZNM mindenkinek, aki itt jrt s aki rendszeresen benz.
I think it is the right time for me to thank you all my lovely visitors from the depth of my heart, because without you, Tom Kaulitz Online would not be here.
The website was closed for almost one and half a year (for one year, four months and twenty-eight days, to be precise), and for a little more than three months it has been revived - still, during this short period of time it can possess a huge success.
Now it stands on the third hplace in the category "Music", on the fortieth place considering the average of the daily visitors (among 111,258 websites)! I think it is a fantastic result, especially considering the break and the fact that it has been re-opened only recently.
Since the re-opening we reached the biggest number of visitors on Wednesday with 539 people, that is really increadible (however, we are quite far from the record number of 1241 that happened on 19th August 2010 ;)
THANK YOU VERY MUCH INDEED to everyone who has ever been here and who visits here regularly.