Kings of Suburbia
"Au programme : "Run, Run, Run", ballade au piano où la voix de Bill se veut corche et plaintive, "Girl Got a Gun" plus rock avec un flow hip-hop, ou encore "Love Who Loves You Back", plus pop, avec sa basse funky et ses rires sur le final, aux allures de single potentiel même si le refrain manque d'clat."
"On the programme: "Run, Run, Run" a ballad on the piano where Bill's voice sounds hurt, "Girl Got a Gun" has a much more rock sound with a hip-hop flow, or "Love Who Loves You Back" that is more like pop, with its funky bass and their laughters at the end, having the potential of being a single, even though the refrain lacks strength."
"A programban : a "Run, Run, Run" egy zongorn eladott ballada, amelyben Bill hangja fjdalmat sugall, a "Girl Got a Gun" rockosabb, egy kis hip-hop hangzssal, vagy a "Love Who Loves You Back", ami inkbb pop, funkys basszussal s a srcok nevetsvel a vgn - ez utbbiban megvan a lehetsg, hogy kislemez legyen belle, noha a refrnbl hinyzik az er."