Girl Got A Gun / Telephone

The new Tokio Hotel video for Girl Got A Gun was filmed in the desert, north of Los Angeles (Palmsdale, California). This place could be seen in several films, TV-series and videoclips - for example in the popular series of NCIS and Lady Gaga's famous video for Telephone.
Thanks for the info and the photo for!
Az j Tokio Hotel-videoklipet, ami a Girl Got A Gun cm dalhoz kszlt, a Los Angelestl szakra tallhat sivatagban forgattk (Palmsdale, California). Ez a hely mr szmos filmben, televzis sorozatban s videoklipben szerepelt - pldul a npszer NCIS sorozatban s Lady Gaga hres, Telephone cm videjban.
Ksznet az infrt s a fnykprt a!