New arrival: PUMBA - your new cuddle toy!
New arrival: PUMBA - your new cuddle toy! Plus: Order today and get the chance to win Bill's Golden Item!
Holiday Season Merch-Special #4 !
And last but not least: PUMBA! We cannot guarantee delivery prior X-mas, but one of you ordering Pumba today has a chance to win on of Bill’s personal bracelets!
Good luck and Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
Shipping costs
4,99 €Germany
7,99 €Austria
16,00 €Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom
18,00 €Switzerland
25,00 €Liechtenstein
30,00 €Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Central African Republic, Chile, China, Costa Rica, India, Iran, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Paraguay, Peru, and United States
Tokio Hotel Facebook
Tokio Hotel - 5 hr
It's Bills turn tomorrow, the golden item will be one of his personal bracelets! Check our Facebook Sunday 06:00 cet to see our final holiday merch special. Have a great weekend everyone!
Worldwide Free Shipping Tomorrow!
Worldwide Free Shipping Tomorrow!
You ready for our next holiday season merch special? The deal starts tomorrow, Sunday 7th of December, at 18:00 CET here on FB.
And tomorrow all orders are shipping for free! The same applies to every order in our shop !
Holiday Season Merch Special 1 !
Tokio Hotel Facebook - 6 hr
Due to fan request… now on sale, the t-shirt Tom was wearing in the 'Love Who Loves You Back‘ video! So get ready, we only have a limited amount of shirts. And don’t forget about Tom’s personal 'Golden Item' you can win if you order today... 'Being Passionate is the Shit‘ !
Holiday Season Merch Special !
Tokio Hotel Facebook - 1 hr
For the next four Sundays till Christmas, we will be putting up a special limited edition merch item on our Facebook for sale - one for each Sunday. And as an extra, there will be one exclusive 'Golden Item‘ amongst all orders of each Sunday as well. So one lucky winner will find a very special personal 'Golden Item' from one of the bandmates in the package! This Sunday you have the chance to win Tom’s personal 'Golden Item', which is the original “Being Passionate is the Shit” sign (as seen on Tokio Hotel TV)! The first merch item will go on limited sale on the 30th of November at 12:00 CET.
Tokio Hotel Facebook
Tokio Hotel - 13 h
Mission completed! Head over to to discover how our new homepage turned out!
Tokio Hotel Facebook
Had fun at Radio SAW during our acoustic gig. Thanks everyone for coming!
Tokio Hotel Facebook
Less than 24 hours left!! #GGAG #Videopremiere
Tokio Hotel Facebook
Tokio Hotel - 1 hour ago
The second track from 'Kings of Suburbia' will be released on iTunes this week. Pre-order the album now to get instant access to GIRL GOT A GUN on Friday without any additional charges:
Tokio Hotel Facebook - Run, Run, Run
You asked about RUN, RUN, RUN - here are our answers:
Bill, what inspired your look for this video?
Bill: The song itself. The pureness and the simplicity. I always wanted to work with my close friend Gianluca Fellini who is a very talented artist and for that video i knew we would see eye to eye. It was the perfect symbiosis and we created something great together. The shoes were my idea though
Is this the lead single of the new album?
Georg: The lead single is gonna be the third one we release....the third video you guys gonna see. I am so excited for that song and we can't wait to share it with everyone.
Where are Georg and Gustav in the Run, Run, Run video?
Bill: Georg and Gustav are gonna be in the video for the actual lead single. Of course! They didn't participate in the Run shoot simply because there is no other instrument than the piano. They loved the video though... we are all happy with it.
Tom: For us as a band it's not about ego or who is most on the screen or any of that shit. We always want to create what's best for the band and what we love. There is no such thing as fighting about who is in the video or who is not. The same is the case for the artwork or album's about the art and what feels right.
Ti krdeztetek a “Run, Run, Run”-rl – me a vlaszaink:
1. Bill, mi inspirlta a kinzetedet ehhez a videhoz?
BILL: Maga a dal. A tisztasg s az egyszersg. Mindig is akartam egy kzeli bartommal, Gianluca Fellinivel dolgozni, aki egy nagyon tehetsges mvsz s ehhez a videhoz tudtam, hogy egyet fogunk rteni. Tkletes szimbizis volt s valami nagyszert hoztunk ltre kzsen. A cip egybknt az n tletem volt.
2. Ez az j album f kislemeze?
GEORG: A f kislemez a harmadik lesz, amit kiadunk… majd megltjtok a harmadik klipet. Nagyon izgatott vagyok amiatt a dal miatt s alig vrjuk, hogy megoszthassuk mindenkivel.
3. Hol van Georg s Gustav a “Run, Run, Run” videban?
BILL: Georg s Gustav a f kislemez klipjben lesz benne. Termszetesen! Egyszer, hogy mirt nem vettek rszt a Run forgatsn, mert nincs benne ms hangszer, csak zongora. Egybknt imdtk a videt… Mindannyian elgedettek vagyunk vele.
TOM: Szmunkra, zenekarknt ez nem az egrl szl vagy, olyan hlyesgekrl, hogy ki szerepel a legtbbet a kpernyn. Mindig olyan dolgot akarunk ltrehozni, amely a legjobb a zenekarnak s amit imdunk. Semmilyen veszekeds nincs abbl, hogy ki szerepel a videban, vagy ki nem. Ugyanez a helyzet az album designjnl vagy a bortval… a mvszetrl szl s, hogy mit rznk helyesnek.
A fordtsrt hatalmas ksznet Bettynek (
Tokio Hotel Facebook
Check out the new Album Player for Kings of Suburbia! You can already click on RRR (Run, Run, Run) and listen to the song!
Nzd meg a Kings of Suburbia j lejtszjt! Mr rkattinthatsz a RRR-ra (Run, Run, Run) s meghallgathatod a dalt+
Tokio Hotel Facebook
Flying to LA, shooting a video + first interviews!
Georg & Gustav
Run, Run, Run is now available for download on iTunes:
Tokio Hotel Facebook / Twitter
Simplicity. We'll premiere the full version of this first video from 'Kings of Suburbia" on Sept. 12th, 5pm CET.
Egyszersg. A Kings of Suburbia els videjnak teljes filmjt szeptember 12-n mutatjuk be, dlutn 5-kor.
Run, run, run (Teaser)